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Afroecuatorian women in Guachal
A reunion in Kapawi
A look into a kitchen in Chiwias
A Cofán family of Dovuno
Members of the Ashuar comunity of Sharamentsa
People in Playa de Oro
Chidren + women of Cauchal
Some children of Pampanal
A tailor at a fair in Riobamba
Carpet weavers in Guano
"Los Curiquinges" en Riobamba
A photographer in Guayaquil
A child in El VientoEsmeraldas
Indigenous Ashuar in Sharamentsa
The group Jacchigua indigenous clothes
Typical indigenous costumes in La Capilla del Hombre
Girl of Cauchal
Woman in Handycraft market in Otavalo
Folcloric dances in Riobamba
Production of sweets in - Baños
Ceviche de Chochos seller in Riobamba
Retirering after work "minga" in Alto Tambo
Photos Photo Image South america Ecuador
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