Fotos of Ecuador
Fotos of Ecuador
Hydro Energy
Hydro Energy
View at the valve: Pelton Turbine
Experimental Turbine
Microhydroelectric centrals
Microhydroelectric centrals
Construction of the damm in Ventanas
Waterfall near Ventanas
Experimental Turbine
Experimental Turbine
Font view: Experimental Pelton Turbine
The wheel of Harris Pelton Turbine
Solar heating for swimming pools, SPA Resorts, etc.
Azuay - Cuenca
Bolivar - Guaranda
Cañar - Azogues
Carchi - Tulcán
Chimborazo - Riobamba
Cotopaxi - Latacunga
El Oro - Machala
Esmeraldas - Esmeraldas
Galápagos - San Cristobál
Guayas - Guayaquil
Imbabura - Ibarra
Loja - Loja
Los Ríos - Babahoyo
Manabí - Portoviejo
Morona Santiago - Macas
Napo - Tena
Orellana - Coca
Pastaza - Puyo
Pichincha - Quito
Sucumbíos - Lago Agrio
Tungurahua - Ambato
Zamora Chinchipe - Zamora
Ecuador + Galapagos
Solar Energy
Version para Mobile
Captacion de agua sistema bombeo con energia solar
Torre de acumulacion distribucion agua potable