National Parks Biological Ecological Reserve Geobotany Faunistic Production Wildlife Refuge Recreation Mangrove Ecosystem
Nationalparks Biologisches Ökologisches Reservat Geobotanik Faunistische Produktion Wildschutzgebiet Erholung Mangroven Ökosystem
Parques nacionales Reserva Biológica Ecológica Geobotánica Producción Faunística Refugio Vida Silvestre Recreación Ecosistema Manglar
Tourism in the protected area Arenillas
Tourism in the protected area Arenillas
Arenillas Ecological Reserve
The Arenillas Ecological Reserve has 17,082 hectares, and was created on June 7, 2001.
This reserve is located in the province of El Oro, in southwestern Ecuador, very close to the border with Peru. The reserve is 26 km from Sta Rosa and 60 km from Machala.

From Guayaquil. Take the Vía a Machala (186 km), south east of Guayaquil, from Machala pass through Sta. Rosa (26 km) and continue until you reach the city of Arenillas (21 km) in the province of El Oro.

The park protects dry ecosystems that include forests and bushes.

There are also parts of mangrove forests.

Many of the present species are found only in the equatorial dry semi-arid and dry forests of southern Ecuador and northern Peru.
Arenillas important forest species such as Tabebuia chrysantha, Zyziphus thysiflora, Albizia guachapele. There are also populations of large trees such as Ceiba trichistandra and Ficus sp., As well as species associated with mangroves.
The Arenillas ecological park has an extension of 13,170 hectares, and is located in an altitude range of 0 to 300 meters above sea level.

  • Machala is the capital of the El Oro province and has 250,000 inhabitants. Machala is also known as "Banana Capital of the World".

Santa Rosa
  • Santa Rosa is in the south of Machala towards Huaquillas on the border.
Puyango Petrified Forest

  • The Puyango Petrified Forest distance: 71 km 1h30, and it is a very interesting tourist attraction. Also the old man towards the park is wonderful.

Mammals registered in the reserve, according to a 1993 study include: the coastal fox (Lycalopex sechurae), the anteater (Tamandua mexicana), the nine-banded armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus), the Robinson's mouse opossum (Marmosa robinsoni), the Pacific spiny rat (Proechimys decumanus), the jaguarundi (Puma yagouaroundi), the Tayra (Eira barbara), the fishing bat (Noctilio leporinus), the common vampire bat (Desmodus rotundus), the crab raccoon (Procyon cancrivorus) and the White-naped squirrel (Sciurus stramineus).

There are also 153 species of birds, much of it endemic. It houses endangered birds such as macareous parakeets (Brotogeris pyrrhoptera), slate anambé (Pachyramphus spodiurus) and black-headed tailtail (Synallaxis tithys).
Guayacanes in flowers Ecological Reserve reserva ecologica Arenillas Ecuador
Parque Nacional CajasÁreas Protegidas
Parque Nacional Cajas
Áreas Protegidas
Photos Images Pictures Protected Areas in Ecuador South America
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Mapas Landkarten Maps Planos Plan Stadtplan Provinzen Provinces Provincias Ecuador
Puyango Petrified Forest El Bosque Petrificado de Puyango
Map of Protected Areas Ecological Reserves National Parks
Cotopaxi Paramo Areas Protegidas Parques Nacionales National Park
Cotopaxi Paramo Areas Protegidas
Caballos Cotopaxi Parque Nacional
Guayacanes Arenillas Ecological Reserve
Cultura Culture Kultur Museos Museum
Museo Museum Kultur Cultura Culture
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