Quito will open tenders for electric buses,
after consulting with USA
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This is technical support that will address the appropriate steps to achieve a modern, sustainable and equitable electric transportation system in Quito. It will do so through two axes: electromobility and accessibility. The details.
The final report is expected to be ready in June, at which time the bidding process for the acquisition of electric buses by specialized companies will begin.
The Quito Metropolitan Public Passenger Transportation Company (EPMTP) signed an agreement with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) with the objective of receiving support for the transition to a fleet of 100% electric buses.
“USAID helps us raise the TDR and the technical specifications required for electric buses for the northern circuit of the city,” comments Xavier Vazquez, General Manager of EPMTP in conversation with Mobility Portal Latin America.

This technical assistance will be essential for the development of a Universal Access Plan that guarantees the accessibility of users to public electric buses, including the redesign of access areas, communication equipment and the adaptation of vehicles for people with mobility. reduced.

It is important to note that, although USAID is providing technical support for the consultancy, the acquisition of electric buses is the exclusive responsibility of the Passenger Company.

As Vazquez mentions: "The scope of the project with USAID is not the purchase of buses, they are only helping us determine the powers, characteristics and type of infrastructure of the yard."
This is a consultancy that will seek to achieve a modern, clean, more sustainable and equitable transportation system in Quito. It will do so through two axes: electromobility and accessibility.

The final report is expected to be ready in June, at which time the bidding process for the acquisition of electric buses by specialized companies will begin.
Quito licitaciones para buses electricos
The initiative is part of the company's modernization project, which has been in operation for more than 28 years and, in turn, is part of the Mobility Master Plan 2022-2042.

Among the projects to be achieved in 20 years, the inclusion of electric mobility for bus corridors is planned.

Although it does not establish the number of units, it indicates the deadlines and costs that the jurisdiction will allocate to provide zero-emission buses to the transportation system.

The roadmap proposes the promotion of a public transportation system “that prioritizes modes with zero or low emissions technologies, with resilient and sustainable infrastructure in the long term.”

In addition, it will allow the company to comply with the National Energy Efficiency Law, which prohibits the use of buses that run on fossil fuels starting in 2030.
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They are working on a Universal Access Plan that guarantees user accessibility to public electric buses.
accesibilidad de los usuarios a los buses eléctricos públicos.
A public transportation system, electric and accessible to the entire population
This agreement, in addition to focusing on the modernization of public transportation, places emphasis on accessibility and inclusivity.

Thus, the EPMTP manager highlights the importance of these aspects by stating that “they are necessary to generate sustainable mobility.”

Studies are being carried out at the stops of the city's two main corridors: the Ecovía, on the east side of the city, and the trolleybus, in the central area.

These corridors, which longitudinally cross the city of Quito, are vital for mobility in the region.

Regarding the requirements that are being evaluated, he points out that they are working on “what type of floor to use at stops, signage for people with visual disabilities and the inclusion of languages.”
This comprehensive evaluation also includes aspects such as the adequate width of stops and ease of access for people with reduced mobility.

Likewise, Vazquez announces that the accessibility report will soon be received, which will be reviewed in detail to make the right decisions regarding the necessary improvements at the bus stops.

While some advances can be implemented immediately, others may present challenges due to limitations in public space.

“Work is underway to identify viable solutions that improve accessibility to the extent possible,” he admits.
Se espera que el informe final esté listo en junio, momento en el que se dará inicio al proceso de licitaciones para la adquisición de buses eléctricos por parte de empresas especializadas.
Quito licitaciones para buses electricos