Energía Solar Energy Sonnenenergie
Equipos Equipment Geräte
Geräte für Sonnenenergie
Equipo para energia renovables
Energias Renovables
Batteries or Accumulators deep cycle sealed VRLA AGM Gel
Corporación para el Desarrollo Sostenible CODESO
Energía solar
Baterías Estacionarias
Stationäre Batterien
sealed lead acid

sealed lead acid AGM

sealed lead acid

sealed lead acid

sealed lead acid GEL

sealed lead acid GEL

sealed lead acid

sealed lead acid GEL

   sealed lead acid

sealed lead acid

     sealed lead acid GEL

sealed lead acid

sealed lead acid

sealed lead acid GEL
How does Solarenergy work?
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The solar batteries have different cualities then the starter batteries or car batteries.

Solar batteries have to be stationaries and deep cycle. In general they have thinner plates and therefore more active surface and more room for the electrolyte. In the cases of batteries with liquid acid, they can have higher acid levels and more costly aleations in the electrodes. This results in better performance in relation to car batteries, there is also less internal selfdischarging, which results in longer storingtimes of the batteries.
Types of stationary deep cicle batteries:

Open lead acid with minimum maintenance.
  • These types of batteries got the advantage that they could be refilled with destilled water.
  • The desadvantage is that they need a minimum of maintenance.

Sealed valve regulated lead acid or maintenance free.
  • Advantage: they are maintenance free.
  • Disadvantage: if manufactured with a poor working valve, the battery has a shorter life than open batteries, because of the escaping hidrogen and oxigen (H2 + O2 gas). Once "evaporated" the electrolyte, the battery (or the cell) is dry or damaged.

Sealed GEL (gelled) valve regulated lead acid or maintenance free.
  • These type of batteries got the advantage that they are maintenance free, protected against acid spill or leak, and they don´t need special charging conditions.
  • Disadvantage: they are damaged by higher than specified currents.

Sealed AGM (absorbed glas mat) valve regulated lead acid or maintenance free.
  • The AGM type batteries unite the advantages of the two above indicated types, maintenance free, no acid leakage, VRLA (valve regulated lead acid battery), no special charging conditions.They are also recycling internally up to 95 % of the gasified hidrogen and oxigen (H2 + O2 gas) again into water (H2O) and got therefore a longer lifespan.
  • Disadvantage: they are still more expensive.
Quito, Ecuador, Sudamérica
Phocos Reguladores Controladres Controllers Regler
Energias Renovables America Latina
Energías Renovables Ecuador Sudamérica
Erneuerbare Energien Südamerika
Renewable Energy South America
Energia renovable ecuador cuenca loja
Modulos Placas Paneles Celdas FV
MAC Bateria
Isofoton Baterrias Estacionarias
Sail Bateria
Oldham Hawker bateria
ACDelco Accu
Duncan Bateria
Dynasty Acumulador
Tudor baterias
Varta acumuladores
Photovoltaica Batteries battery deep cycle ciclo profundo tiefentladbar
Baterias Batteries Batterien Acumuladores Akkus Inversores Inverters Wechselrichter
Baterías gelificadas Gel AGM VRLA Solares selladas secas
Batería Estacionaria descarga profunda mantenimiento telecomunicaciones
Batterien Sonnenenergie