Examples of solar electrification
Energysav. lamps
Example: "Normal country house"
1 fotovoltaic solar panel of 110 W costs aproximately between:
1 stationary battery** of 12 V 100 Ah costs more or less:
1 regulator (protector of the battery) of 12 V 10 A costs more or less:
1 inverter APS de 300 W 110 V AC costs between:
(The APS transforms the direct current DC in AC,so you can connect any (small) normal equipment for 110 V AC)
We don´t calculate instalation costs, because it´s easy to install:
Total of investment for this system is between:
4 lamps, 1 radio, 1 television
The daily average consumtion is:
For the energy generation you need 110 W solar Panels:
You need stationary batteries 12 V 100 Ah (with a 1,5 days reserve):
600 - 900 US$
73 - 293 US$
32 - 60 US$
85 - 160 US$
0 US$
790 - 1413 US$
W Subtotal
D = (A x C)
This is an example, please have a look at our prices and offers
Electrification of individual houses in Dovuno.
The panel is installed with a sunfollower.
Casilla 17-21-759, Quito, Ecuador, Sudamérica