Codeso is trying to resolve diferent basic needs of the families in diferent proyects. Codeso is an nonprofit ONG.
Our work depends on sponsership.
Help us help
Certainly you can make a donation: global or specificly for a proyect or a group of benefits.
News ++
Arriving of the solarpanels in the comunity Pichangal
Please apply for our Information about control and tax reduction etc..
If it´s important to you, that certain proyects go thurther on, you can mail us and the other involved organizations.
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Arriving of the solarpanels in the comunity Pichangal
You can help the families direktly.
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Every comment helps us and shows interest in our work.
You´ve got different ways to participate:
Sorry, but most information is still only in Spanish, but we can help you translating.
You also can use the translate program Babylon.
e: 02/01/15
Corporación para el Desarrollo Sostenible CODESO
Corporación para el Desarrollo Sostenible CODESO
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Corporation for sostainable devbellopment CODESO
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